Configuring the Site Setup

Site Setup is where you can configure what is visible on the Digital 360 Health portal homepage for Admins and Patients. You can also configure different types of messages sent to patients, reminder frequency, times, and more.

To configure your site, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Setup.
  2. Click Site Setup.
  3. Customize your site.
  4. Click Save.

Configuration options include:

Office Setup

Display office information, including address, phone number, fax number, and website.

To have a field not be displayed, simply leave it blank.


Office Hours
Enter the hours the office is open and a note you would like displayed, if necessary. 

Messaging Setup
Customize messaging options including after-hours messaging, when/if to recategorize messages as "other", and a message to display to patient regarding messaging.

Scheduled Jobs
Enable or disable scheduled items to patients such as surveys, emails, text messages, etc.

Survey Reminders
Set the number of days for manual/mass surveys and one-time surveys.

User Packet Request Reminders
Set the number of days for packet reminders and what time the reminder should be sent.

Pending Attention Email Reminders
Set when to send email reminders to admins of pending items such as surveys requiring review, office communications, etc.

Patient New Account Welcome Message
Enter the message you want your patients to see when they receive their first email or text inviting them to use Digital 360 Health.

Patient Medication Refill Message
Set a message to display to patients after selecting a medication to refill.

Homepage Welcome Messages
Set the message displayed on the homepage to admins and patients.

Patient Check List
Select which of your patient check lists are launched from the button in EPIC.

Appointment Reminders
Set the adjustment time for appointment reminders.



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